What you need for back to school

You seem to need so much stuff to go to school – stationery, uniforms, school bag, library bag, sports bag, lunchboxes… I’m out of breath just reading that. Then you need to label it and cover it to ensure that Little-Mister-Grown-Up doesn’t lose it in week one. With so much to do – and so little time […]
12 ways to make your morning routine less stressful

Do you spend most mornings yelling ‘hurry up!’ over and over again? Is anyone even listening or have you become background noise? It is easy to feel stressed in the mornings when everyone is trying to get ready at once and everyone has somewhere to be by a certain time. But wouldn’t it be nice […]
Tips to help your children eat breakfast every day
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, to use the age-old adage, and most parents know this. However, trying to get your children to eat breakfast when school goes back can be somewhat difficult, to say the least. If they’re not complaining that it’s too early to eat, or they aren’t hungry then […]
Tips on returning to school after the holidays
Back to school …again! Yes, it’s that time of the year right now! January is the beginning of the calendar year and for Australian schools it’s the beginning of the school year. What does back to school … again mean? In families where the school aged-children have been home for past month or so, it’s […]
Shoelace tying techniques – teach your child to tie shoelaces

There are so many shoelace tying techniques out there that it can be difficult to find the one that is easiest to teach. Thankfully, they all come with different stories to aid in your child’s learning process. Knowing the individual steps to any technique is important, as once we have been tying shoes for so […]
Schooling and education in Australia

It might seem like a long time before you have to enrol your little one in school, but it pays to be prepared. How old do they have to be before starting BIG school? What is their first prep year called? What are the cut-off dates? Leaving it to the last minute can cause unnecessary […]
Packing the ideal school lunchbox
How do you pack the ideal lunchbox and how do you make sure it gets eaten? Dietician and mother of two, Kate Di Prima, says it is all about planning. “Lunch is one of the most important meals for school age kids, and it often comes home untouched,” she says. “With a bit of forethought […]
Last days before school starts

Last days before school starts. There can be mixed emotions right now, during these last days. School Starting Soon signs have been everywhere since the Boxing Day Sales it seems. How are the adults going? In my twitter feed I notice many 140 character-tweets with the words tweeted by parents “nearly over” and “when’s school […]
Is the secret to a better school year inside your kids’ lunchbox?

A new school year is just around the corner and parents are already mentally planning what needs to be organised and sorted before their kids – four in my case – begin Term 1. We wonder about who their teacher will be and hope they will have a good year with their class mates on […]
I’m 5 and I just started BIG school

With school under way for another year, I’ve noticed that parents are writing about how their children are not always settling in to school – especially after being so excited before they began. So why does this happen? Sometimes I think a reminder of what it might be like to be “in the mind” of this […]