7 tips on expressing breast milk at work
To be honest, when I first started expressing, I didn’t even feel comfortable doing it at home. The first few clumsy times I felt more like an engorged dairy cow than a new mum. And if I had returned to the job I’d been working at while I was pregnant, I’m not sure I would have felt particularly […]
10 steps to swaddle your baby safely

Swaddling is one of the many choices new parents face. Current research and information is based upon swaddling babies for sleep – swaddling is not recommended during wakeful hours when the infant is moving and more active. Naturally, the baby has a say — some will sleep well when securely swaddled, and others won’t. A common […]
Expressing breast milk: the benefits of double pumping

There are some things that are better done quickly. While I was breastfeeding my first child, I was in no hurry. It was a relaxing experience and he and I both took comfort in the act. Plus I desperately needed a good sit down and was mid-way through the Scrubs DVD boxsets. Compare that to […]
Diary of a new breastfeeding mum: Daily routine & expressing

It’s been a couple of months since our lovely Lila came into our lives and we are beginning to emerge from the oh so precious, yet rather demanding, newborn baby haze. I had been breastfeeding Lila exclusively until I was admitted to hospital a few weeks ago with a reoccurring case of mastitis.
Breast to bottle: making the switch easier

I started back at work when my first born was just five weeks old. It was only for four hours but it was just long enough to miss a feed.
8 things you should know about breastfeeding and alcohol

It is important to understand the way alcohol affects your body and breastmilk. Here are some things you should know about drinking alcohol while breastfeeding.