When is your fertile window open?

So, you’ve decided you want to try to have a baby! To give yourself the best chance of conceiving you should learn a bit more about your own body. Do you know when your fertile window is open? When exactly are you at your most fertile? Here are some things you should know before you start […]
9 ways to support a friend with fertility issues
When your friend is having fertility issues all you want to do is support her. But it isn’t easy to know what to say about such a personal and emotional subject. The very last thing you want to do is upset or insult her. Everyone is different. Everyone handles things differently. It is hard to […]
This is what IVF means to me …

Someone once said to me that they thought IVF was amazing in the same way that an aeroplane can fly. It used to be something so cool and mysterious, but now it’s just commonplace. It struck a chord with me, and piqued my interest as I find it fascinating how we all give such different […]
The process of egg donation

With one in six Australian couples of reproductive age experiencing difficulties conceiving a child, no wonder potential parents are taking such drastic measures as advertising for donor eggs to complete their family. Faith Haugh’s introduction to fertility and egg donation began when she was looking in the paper for a second job. Instead of applying […]
So what REALLY happens during conception and infertility?

We all have a vague idea of what happens during conception but for many people, it isn’t something they’ve thought too much about since Year 9 science class. The basic idea is pretty simple but the science behind it is fascinatingly complex. So what EXACTLY does go on down there during conception? And why does […]
This is why you need a preconception health check …

Those who have never tried for a baby often think it’s going to be easy. After all, we’ve spent so long NOT getting pregnant that conceiving is as simple as throwing away the contraception, right? And if you’ve already had a baby, you probably (and understandably) think you can easily get pregnant again. The increasing […]
What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility in women. It is a common hormonal condition that disrupts the menstrual cycle and is also a risk factor for other health problems including heart disease, diabetes and endometrial cancer. It affects about 12-18 per cent of women of child-bearing age. Polycystic […]
News: Fertility and cancer, kidnap attempt, new iv iron, drugs in pregnancy
So, what’s making news in the parenting world this week? What has given hope to young women who’ve had breast cancer? How did a group of strangers help a mother in a Brisbane shopping centre this week? How can people with iron deficiency save time and money? And what were the findings of a recent […]
Natural fertility and clomifene

No matter your situation, it is imperative that you reach your maximum wellness before conception. Of course, babies are conceived in all kinds of scenarios, sometimes without planning, and that’s perfectly OK — many of us wouldn’t be here otherwise. But if you have decided to conceive then it’s time to focus on wellness and […]
Mum to 4, endo, surrogate to twins and a hysterectomy all before 27!
I’d had heavy and painful periods since I was 16 so, at 19 when I was referred to a gynaecologist and had a laparoscopy, I wasn’t surprised to hear I had advanced endometriosis. At my follow-up appointment my doctor informed me that if I wanted to have children, I had better think about having them […]