Spaghetti bolognese – easy, cheap and perfect for freezing!
Spaghetti bolognese is the perfect meal for a family. It is cheap, quick and you can freeze the bolognaise sauce to use later (making it even cheaper and quicker). You can cook a simple version or jazz it up with extra herbs, vegetables or cheese. Here is my spaghetti bolognese recipe and some variations depending […]
Spaghetti bolognaise – easy, cheap and perfect for freezing!
Spaghetti bolognaise is the perfect meal for a family. It is cheap, quick and you can freeze the bolognaise sauce to use later (making it even cheaper and quicker). You can cook a simple version or jazz it up with extra herbs, vegetables or cheese. Here is my spaghetti bolognaise recipe and some variations depending […]
Annabel Karmel’s pear, apple, and blueberry crumbles
A fantastic, yummy recipe for little ones who need more fruit in their diets – great for freezing, suitable from 9 months old, makes 4 individual crumbles. This healthy crumble is full of antioxidants from the blueberries and fibre from the pear and apple. With my delicious golden crispy topping, it’s an easy way to get your child […]
Annabel Karmel’s butternut squash, carrot and sweetcorn puree

This recipe from Annabel Karmel is perfect for baby’s just starting on solid food. It’s a good one to freeze as well…