Your newborn baby in the first month – baby development guide

Congratulations! After nine months of waiting you’ve finally met the new little person in your life. You and your newborn are probably still recovering from what’s been an exhilarating, yet exhausting, time—your body is tired but your brain is working overtime. You’ve got a million questions and unfortunately babies don’t come with a how-to guide. […]

Your 8 month old – baby development guide

Move your books from the bottom shelf and tell your dog it isn’t safe to lie in the lounge room anymore – your baby is on the move! How is baby going? By the end of this month your baby will be making tracks – commando crawling, bum shuffling, crawling, cruising the furniture or maybe […]

Your 9 month old – baby development guide

No need for a gym membership these days, your little one will be giving you quite the workout. Life will move at a quicker pace now that your baby is beginning the transition to toddler. How is baby going? By the end of the tenth month many babies will be cruising the furniture and a […]

Your antenatal care and childbirth options explained

You’ve just found out you’re pregnant! Now what? Public or private? Obstetrician or GP? Birthing centre or home birth? Not to worry – we’ve put together this article as a summary of the main types of antenatal and childbirth care available in Australia. Although not all regions and states will have all options available. There […]

Your 5 month old – baby development guide

Wow – can you believe your baby has been in your life for nearly half a year! Hard to believe there is still so much more to come … How is baby going? This month you might be starting to think about when you’ll introduce your baby to solid food. While you think about that […]

Your 6 month old – baby development guide

Say goodbye to the days of leaving your baby in the one spot and knowing they will stay there. Your little one will be on the move very soon, if not already, and it is time to think about baby proofing! How is baby going? Don’t stress, there are a few things your baby will […]

Your 7 month old – baby development guide

What a mess! For the first six months you could dress your baby in the cutest outfit and, besides the occasional poo explosion, you could expect them to stay gorgeous all day. These days, there is banana stains on all their clothes (and most of yours!) and every time you pick your baby up you […]

Your 3 month old – baby development guide

What a fun month this will be! Your baby is turning into quite the little character. At this age, babies usually have been smiling for a while now but soon they will add laughing or maybe even squealing with delight to the list of things they can do. Your baby is enjoying life at the […]

Your 2 month old – baby development guide

Things are probably starting to settle down this month. The visitors have stopped, your body is recovering from birth and your baby is hopefully a bit more settled and more predictable. Now might be a good time to reread the seven tips on surviving your baby’s first year! How is baby going? This month your […]

Your 21 – 24 month old – toddler development guide

Your almost-2-year-old one is certainly growing up. And probably acting like it too! You might even have a fight on your hands if you try to help them out. Toddlers love to feed themselves dress themselves, clean their own teeth and brush their own hair. When possible, it is a good idea. You’ll be surprised […]