Top 5 reasons I love LEGO DUPLO

My children have a lot of toys. A LOT. So many, in fact, that they now have their own room – the toys, not the kids. The kids share a room, the toys get their own. Is that weird? Actually, don’t answer that. I love the toyroom (there are no more toys in my living […]
Can your baby hear your smile?

These findings suggest that parents trying to attract their baby’s attention, may be more successful if they speak to them with a smile – even if their baby doesn’t look at them yet!
4 ways to learn to count with LEGO DUPLO

Here are some games that will help your child to better understand numbers and counting – while playing with the LEGO DUPLO Number Train …
4 reasons to nourish your child’s imagination

Imagination is unlimited in its potential to create change, and is one of the most powerful tools you can give yourself and your child. How else is it helpful?