‘Someone told me I was a control freak around my baby’
Nothing prepared me for the unrelenting demands of motherhood: the realities of a 24/7 responsibility that left no time for myself, that lonely time after the front door closed behind my husband each morning while I felt like I just had to cope. I had wildly unrealistic expectations of myself as a perfect mother and […]
Mindfulness meditation and how it can help new parents

Becoming a parent is a time of immense change when you’re likely to face difficult emotions of stress, anxiety and mood changes. Everyone can feel overwhelmed in the early stages of parenting and wonder how they can stay calm and connect to their partner and baby. Research shows that mindfulness, which is a broad term […]
How to mindfully manage a tantrum
On a good day, motherhood is an exhilarating spiritual journey. On a bad day it’s an exhausting, frustrating ride where we are tested beyond our limits through sleep deprivation, stress, relationship tension, mastitis and self-doubt. Mindfulness has been a crucial part of my motherhood survival tool kit, helping me to manage the challenges and be […]
Maggie Dent’s 7 ways to be a back-to-basics parent

The things that matter haven’t changed – only the world has. What children need now is what they have always needed. Here are some tips to help you go back to basics…
5 ways to make mindful parenting work for your family

Here are a few tips that have helped me not put my kids on eBay this week (and have made my kids a bit happier too).
5 things your teen needs to navigate exams and transitions

With important exams and major life transitions coming up we should be helping our teenagers harness control of these 5 facets of wellbeing to optimise brain functionality and aim for peak performance.
3 tips for stress-free mindful mealtimes

For many parents, mealtimes are often a battle-ground, fraught with worry and irritation. Here are three tips for a less stressful dinner time with children …
3 quick ways to meditate with baby

Mindful meditation may be the answer to not only enjoying more calm, but really being present with your baby. Here are 3 easy ways to practice mindfulness with a new baby …
20 weeks pregnant – pregnancy week by week

Keep track of your pregnancy with our week-by-week pregnancy calendar. See how your body is changing and your baby is developing when you’re 20 weeks pregnant.