Nappy bag packing checklist

A well-stocked nappy bag means you’ll be ready for anything when you’re out and about with a baby! When Murphy came up with his all-too-true law he might have had babies in mind because the first time you rush out the door without a spare nappy will be the day baby decides to show you […]
How to pack your hospital bag for a caesarean
One of the questions pregnant women are asked the most is “have you packed your bag yet?” Well done if you can answer with a confident ‘yes and I know exactly where everything is.’ Remember though when you have a caesarean section you will be confined to bed for a while. During this time it […]
13 clever tips for packing the car for a family holiday

Packing a car for a road trip with a baby or small kids is a bit like Tetris. Here are some helpful tips from our friends on the Bub Hub Facebook page!