What you need for back to school

You seem to need so much stuff to go to school – stationery, uniforms, school bag, library bag, sports bag, lunchboxes… I’m out of breath just reading that. Then you need to label it and cover it to ensure that Little-Mister-Grown-Up doesn’t lose it in week one. With so much to do – and so little time […]
Warning: Water beads are dangerous and are not toys

Small polymer balls that absorb water and expand to be the size of a golf ball pose a serious safety hazard to children and should not be used as toys. Several Australian children have ingested water-absorbing balls (also known as water beads) and have required hospital treatment to have them removed. The products are small […]
Top 7 electric breast pumps

I had an electric breast pump … for one day. In a sleep-deprived haze I failed to read the first instruction – DO NOT IMMERSE IN WATER – and I did just that after the first use. So it was “goodbye hundreds of dollars” and “hello manual breast pump” (thankfully it could be used as […]
Top 4 manual breast pumps

I accidentally used a manual breast pump … wait a minute … that sounds like I fell over and landed on one while not wearing a shirt – which is dumb. Although not quite as dumb as what I ACTUALLY did. I bought an electric pump for more than $200 and after using the very first time […]
Toilet training products – which ones do you really need?
There are many products out there promising to make toilet training easier. But, like everything, there are some that are essential and some you don’t really need. Plus there are items that will suit one family and their situation while another will find them completely unnecessary. So how do you decide what YOU will need […]
Tips for cleaning out your whitegoods cemetery

How do we end up with a whitegoods cemetery in the first place? So much has to do with advertising. We are seduced into believing life will be so much easier, faster, cheaper and healthier if we bake our own bread and make fresh juice every morning. In the perfect world this would be great. […]
Thrifty post-baby makeover time!

So you have had the baby (go you … or me in this instance!) and you (well, me) are very appreciative and in awe of how amazing your body is at producing children and respect that it needs nurturing at this juncture of your life. BUT you’re (I am) also REALLY looking forward to never […]
The ultimate guide to buying baby clothes – sizes, tips, and must-haves

How do you buy clothes for someone you haven’t met yet? How do you shop when you don’t know what size your baby will be? And how do you buy practical clothing when you’ve never had a baby before? We hope our ultimate guide to buying baby clothes – with tips on baby clothes sizes, […]
Recall: Childcare Snuggle Time Bedside Sleeper

Parents are being urged to check for a possible defect in a popular co-sleeping bassinet sold in Australia. A recall notice has been issued for the Childcare Snuggle Time Bedside Sleeper — sold exclusively at Baby Bunting between May 2017 and September 2018 — because it poses a possible safety risk to infants. In some […]
New baby nursery checklist – a guide to newborn essentials

Preparing for a new baby can be overwhelming—especially when it is your first. But when it comes to buying baby gear and setting up a nursery you really don’t have to stress! You might be happy to hear that there are really only a few ‘essential’ items you’ll need to have ready before your baby […]