Speaking Gibberish? Blame it on Baby Brain
One sure sign you are beginning to suffer from baby brain is when you notice yourself beginning to speak gibberish – this also includes wixing of mords, I mean mixing of words, and just generally speaking complete nonsense. ‘Gibberish’ and I are seemingly now well acquainted… Needless to say, my husband is becoming fluent in […]
How long can you use ‘baby brain’ as an excuse?

I’m a mum, wife, writer and lover of good coffee and I suffer from baby brain. My symptoms include; inability to hold a conversation for longer than five minutes consistent jumbling of words, sometimes trailing off mid-sentence while having a conversation with a fellow adult, while at the same time trying to keep an eye […]
33 things you should know when you’re pregnant

Here is a list of things that you need to know when you’re pregnant. What to eat, what to expect and what to do when you’re pregnant.
20 weeks pregnant – pregnancy week by week

Keep track of your pregnancy with our week-by-week pregnancy calendar. See how your body is changing and your baby is developing when you’re 20 weeks pregnant.