Top 7 electric breast pumps

I had an electric breast pump … for one day. In a sleep-deprived haze I failed to read the first instruction – DO NOT IMMERSE IN WATER – and I did just that after the first use. So it was “goodbye hundreds of dollars” and “hello manual breast pump” (thankfully it could be used as […]
Top 4 manual breast pumps

I accidentally used a manual breast pump … wait a minute … that sounds like I fell over and landed on one while not wearing a shirt – which is dumb. Although not quite as dumb as what I ACTUALLY did. I bought an electric pump for more than $200 and after using the very first time […]
Expressing breast milk: the benefits of double pumping

There are some things that are better done quickly. While I was breastfeeding my first child, I was in no hurry. It was a relaxing experience and he and I both took comfort in the act. Plus I desperately needed a good sit down and was mid-way through the Scrubs DVD boxsets. Compare that to […]
Diary of a new breastfeeding mum: Daily routine & expressing

It’s been a couple of months since our lovely Lila came into our lives and we are beginning to emerge from the oh so precious, yet rather demanding, newborn baby haze. I had been breastfeeding Lila exclusively until I was admitted to hospital a few weeks ago with a reoccurring case of mastitis.
Breastfeeding – what is normal?

Did you also know that ‘normal’ can mean many things when it comes to breastfeeding your baby?
Breast to bottle: making the switch easier

I started back at work when my first born was just five weeks old. It was only for four hours but it was just long enough to miss a feed.